Monday 23 April 2012

The Theory Of Evolution

Believe In Creation Or In Evolution
Rev. Joshua A. Allegra

I was encourage to write this article after reading an article writing by an evolutionist and publish on Scientific American website. I include a summary of that Article here.

"... Accordingly, most scientist would have taken the view that human physical evolution has ceased.... Not only has Homo Sapiens been doing some major genetic reshuffling since our species formed, but the rate of human evolution may, if anything, have increased. In common to other organism, we (humans) underwent the most dramatic changes to our body shape when our species first appeared (evolve), but we continue to  show genetically induced changes to our physiology and perhaps our behavior as well."
                                                         (How Will Evolution Change Humans- by Peter Ward, 17/12/2008)
On personal note, I find it very interesting how the evolutionist are able to persuasively make use of 'words' with the intention of deceiving and persuading the layman  into their net.
Making used of words that have different meanings and applying them to their theories without giving explicit definitions to those words has help the evolutionist in exerting considerable amount of influence on the young minds in our society. Before we continue I would like us to give definition to the concept Evolution (a word with so many meanings), Mutation and Creation.

Evolution (Macro-Evolution)- , is the theory that the Universe, the Earth and Man evolved from nothing. This is to say that the Earth has undergone gradual changes and undirected (random) improvement. And that there are no purposeful design as long as the Universe, the Earth and Living Organism are concern.

"We reside on the surface of a small superbly crafted, autonomous self regulating space vehicle. Together with survival, conquest and death we bear witness to beauty, fragrances, love and music. Think about this. Mathematics, philosophy, springtime, depravity, farming, courtship, quasars, and bubble gum; all came from nothingness?, formed by chance...?" (

Creationism- is the theory that man, the earth, and the rest of the universe were originally created rather than randomly exploding from nothingness into chance existence.

Mutation- (genetics) any event that changes genetic structure; any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid sequence of the genotype of an organism.

In science there are six interlocking theories which are often referred to as fundamental to evolution:

#1  COSMIC:  From the theorized Big Bang of (estimated) 14-20 billion years ago to the (evolution or) generation of hydrogen gas into existence.

#2  CHEMICAL:  Gases (beyond hydrogen) and other higher elements evolving into existence.  In other words, increasing molecular & chemical order and complexity over time happening by itself.

#3  STAR & PLANETS:  Gravity, angular momentum, magnetism, radiation, and other "accidentally existing" forces coalesce (or evolve) the molecules (from above) that evolved into existence all by themselves into subsequent proto-stars, then later (over lots and lots of theorized time; billions of years) into stars and planetary bodies.

#4  ORGANIC EVOLUTION:  Life emerging from sterile non-life by believed automatic advanced chemical processes.  This has also been called spontaneous generation or more recently abiogenesis.  Life from non-life; again, all by itself; increasing complexity and at some point in time - generating successive replication all by itself.  Scientists today are using tax dollars to employ advanced, state-of-the-art equipment under expensive, carefully controlled high-technology laboratory conditions but this still hasn't succeeded in any way yet ... trying so hard ... all to show that life could happen accidentally, without much intelligence.  (That being the case indeed.)

#5  MACRO-EVOLUTION:  Kinds of life diverging and occasionally increasing in complexity through random processes down through time.  The theory is that single-celled creatures gave rise to (possibly) multi-cellular marine organisms.  Later fish evolved into amphibians, and then into reptiles which (possibly diverged and) evolved into the birds and mammals.   Over the theorized millions of years the divergent complexity of life in nature has (apparently) increased in order, numbers and magnitude.  Many of today's textbooks show lots of artistic illustrations of such beliefs.

#6  MICRO-EVOLUTION:  Structured changes within pre-existing kinds of life.  Heredity & Variation.  This one is scientific and is observable in nature.

It is important to keep all of these various definitions in mind. Perhaps some but not all are true and verifiable? All the above conmcept giving concerning Evolution, only Micro-evolution has ever been observed and empirically proven to be true, the rest are nothing but assumptions and speculations stemming from the minds of Evolutionist and Darwinist.
Thus, we are going to base our argument concerning Evolutions Macro-evolution and Creationist on Micro-evolution.

Evolution is a valid process (in science, business, or otherwise); creationists certainly agree with this - when it is directed or built into the design of things.  Certainly automobiles have improved dramatically over the past 100 years, but it didn't happen all by itself.  The evolution of the automobile has been due to intelligent design input, advanced engineering skills and management oversight.  If one just throws a bunch of parts together or puts all the car parts into a giant tumbler along with four quarts of oil and 10 gallons of gas and begins agitating the lot for eight months the end result will not be anything resembling a car.

Although the evolutionist give credit to Mutation and Natural Selection for been the mind behind evolution, true scientific definition of mutation has nothing to do with high complexity leading to Macro-evolution. Mutations are almost always harmful or (if not fatal) get reabsorbed into successive generations in any event. Inbreeding causes serious problems, not magical automatic improvements. Almost 99% all observed mutations are detrimental to the organism and only 1% are benefitial, we must understand that the word benefitial here does not imply transmutation (from cat into dog) but simply means that organism didnt die by natural selection, but survived yet remain in the some genus (life group).

The tautology in the theory of Macro-evolution is Natural Selection, according to them Natural selection selects the organism or animal that mutation has rendered unfit and eliminate the  genetically stable animal. Scientifically speaking in simple term, Natural Selection acts as sieve by which nature eliminate the unfit and preserve the fit for successive reproduction.
However, it seems to me that the evolutionist do not understand the difference between fit and unfit or maybe they have rewriting the English defition for those words.

The fossils are supposedly the historical record of evolution. But nowhere does the fossils in the sedi-mentary layers of the earth’s crust show an undisputed transition of one kind of organism evolving into a more complex one. There should be literally millions of them if macroevolution were true.
The Evolutions keep making their case by reffering to the Fossil Record as the prove for evolution, even though the fossil record has no date and no actual transitional form indicating Macro-evolution
They keep thinking that somewhere on Earth they'll find some bona fide transitional fossils. But while billions upon billions of fossils have been dug up over the years there are still zero transitional fossils that stand up to scientific scrutiny over time. The only finger on the fossil record is the Noahic Flood.

    With this in mind we can now pregress and make our argument, according to the evolutionist, life wasnt directed but randomly exploded from nothing in something; both logic and science made it clear that out of nothing comes nothing. Evolutionists know that they have serious problems with their theory ,so we are not going to argue whether Evolution is possible or not.

According the Peter Wald (the article above) "In common to other organism, we (humans) underwent the most dramatic changes to our body shape... but we continue to  show genetically induced changes to our physiology and perhaps our behavior as well." "
Since the generation of life, living organisms has seen several minor variations, yet this has not and never will it result in any observable Macro-evolution. The observable physical or biochemical characteristics of an organism, as determined by both genetic makeup and environmental influences, does not mean Evolving.
Alteration (mutation) occurs in the transmission of genetic code or the makeup blueprint of an organism due to known reasons such as repetition or pasting of a code on another code and, or by turning a blueprint information upside down, but this does not result int transmutation.

There has been several observable evidences in nature where the an organism looks very much different from it parents in colour, size and behavior as a result of the interaction of its genotype and the environment.
Thus, it has been observed that the environment plays a big role in the phenotype; humans greatly feel the effect of the environment on their physiology (size, colour) and the environment play a considerable role in how we behave.
Children are always influence by the play mate, the youth are been inflence by their peers and today most of the youth in the collages and universities are been inflence by their atheist professors.
At the end of the day the role of the environment in the changing of our behavior and has nothing to do with genetic reshuffling.
Fundamentalist creation believers go to collages and come back home as fanatics of Darwinism, Darwinist hear the account of the infallible truth of the Bible and become creationist and their genes are the same as it was before they change their worldview, no transmutation.

Consider this, we have different kind of cosmetic body lotions on the market to nourish our bodies (thanks to manufactures) and our women patronized this product very much, even though some are nothing but fraud. Using this lotions result in many changes to our body in terms of colour and skin reaction (soft, smooth and shiny), we also have drugs for breast enlargement, hips enhancement (i dont know how it is done), just to mentioned the few, at the end of the day we see several changes in our body shape, looks, size and colour- yet we remain humans, either beautiful or ugly (if there is such thing).
From illiteracy to literacy see several changes in the behavior of a man, even trained domesticated animals like dogs, cat and sheep do change in their behavior how much more humans.
Thus one writter writes "I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it’s been applied, will be one of the great jokes in the history books in the future. Posterity will marvel that so very flimsy and dubious an hypothesis could be accepted with the incredible credulity that it has.
I live near a place called Piltdown.  You probably know that a skull was discovered there, and no less than five hundred doctoral theses were written on the subject, and then it was discovered that the skull was a practical joke by a worthy dentist in Hastings who’d hurriedly put a few bones together, not even of the same animal, and buried them and stirred up all this business. So I’m not a great man for bones.”

Scientifically speaking, not all changes in our body is cause by genetic alteration or interaction and not genetic alteration as mutation has ever resulted in the transmutation of a living organism.
Thus the idea that humans are undergoing dramatic changes in their behavior and their body shape as result of Macro-Evolution through minor variation is nothing but deliberate attempt of the evolutionist to keep their prey in their net.

What do you think would be the behavior of an old man from among the bushmen of the Kalahari, Nimibia, when he wakes up from anesthesia and found himself seating in a 5-star hotel restaurant in London or New York City, among white folks with green and cat eyes, surround by reporters from several media houses? I guess the evolutionist should tell us if that will also result from geenetic reshuffling

People from different part of the world exposed to different cultures, different schools of thought and having differing worldviews express different behaviors.
People in some cultures in Africa believe in growing fat as a way to showing their wealth in society, whilst others deliberately grow fat, others become skinny due to malnutrition and hunger.
In conclusion, we must be mindful of the tactics of the evolutions, their tricks in making use of words with multiple defition to deceive; we must understat that, as long as the only alternative to the Macro-evolution theory is the more and preferably sound Creation Theory, the evolutionist will do everything possible to discredit and to decieve.
Thus a well know evolutionist once said " There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution. The other is a supernatural, creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation that life arose from nonliving matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with only one possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural act of God.” “I WILL NOT ACCEPT  that philosophically, BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT TO BEELIEVE IN GOD . Therefore, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE IN THAT WHICH  I know is SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE, spontaneous generation arising to evolution.”

Watch as pray, majority of scientist today are atheist, they are in our public schools and in our offices, some are rationalist in our churches, exerting considerable amount of influence on the minds of our children, brothers and sisters- BE AWAKE, WATCH AND PRAY 

Much gratitude goes to and for helping many to see the light, I also want to extend my heart most fervent thanksgiving to Dr. Johnson C. Philips at Trinity Graduate School of Apologetics and Theology and also to all student of TGSAT and to all my readers.
For More articles and Christian Lessons from the writer, visit the blog pages noted above.

This Article can be copy and reproduce in any format for the purpose of education as long as no changes are made to the authors information.

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