Monday 23 April 2012

Does Really God Exist

The Question "Is God Real"
By Rev. Joshua Allegra

I find your article or question very interesting and I am encourage to write a short article concerning your question. I will write simply by trying to answer your question in the simplest possible manner.

Question 1: If God is all mighty and powerful, then why hasn't he made himself more known to us, so we know for sure he is the real God?
Answer 1: God has already made himself known to mankind in every way possible, but due to your presupposition by which you search, you can't find Him.

Question 2: If I was forced to choose a religion on my death bed, how would I know to pick the right one?
Answer 2: That would be a personal problem that I hope doesn't get worse than that for you, I pray you make a decision before going to your sick bed.

Question 3: But I have been with moral character all my life! I may not have lived by all your rules, but I treated others the way I
wished to be treated, and caused no intentional harm, injury or offense to anyone else! Just because I could find no undeniable proof that Christianity was the right religion, or indeed logically correct, that gives you cause to reject me from your arms?
Answer 3:  The Concept of Christianity is not base on Self-Justification, but that man of himself is depraved, there is no self-sacrifice that can atone for our sin, not only the sin of been a descendant Adam, but the sin yyou just committed by denying His existence. Only His provision for justification is perfect and must be accepted without objections.

Question 4: Assuming the devil is writing these books, why hasn't God countered them?
Answer 4: God has given to mankind enough evidence and the self-will to decide that which to follow. God does not order
us about but present us with proof that testify of His undeniable existence and He is still providing that proof for the sincere inquirer.

Question 5: God is relying solely on good faith to keep us at bay.
Answer 5: Relying on Good faith may not be that bad, but the truth is that the Almighty God is not in competition with the devil, He knows the end from the beginning and has giving to mankind ample evidence, but most are blinded by their sensuality and worldviews from the incredible fallacies of the devil and the undeniable evidence of nature that point to God.

Question 6: I find it incredibly naive of God to think that we would not be swayed to the devil's side, when he is using the only thing we base our own knowledge on, facts, to disprove him.
Answer 6: A person with a true spirit of inquiry will understand that the concept of modern science in actual fact has not oppose the Bible account of Creation and Morality.You must understand that, in our world today, many people including you base your decision on speculations rather than truth. What is your knowledge about fact and so far do you have any undisputable fact which dethrones God?

Question 7: We judge everything else on facts, so why can't God realise this and help us out:
Answer 7: It depends on what you mean by fact, as long as I am concern, both Evolution and Creation are metaphysical system of thought employing science as proof.
And all the evidence provided by Evolutionist or Theistic Evolution are nothing but an Anti-Knowledge and specualtion or Immaginative Theory

Question 8: At this rate, most of the world will not reach his kingdom. Not because they believe in a different religion, but because God hasn't been able to prove himself to us by the only way we know how to prove facts:
Answer 8: If you should have a true spirit of inquiry, without prejudice, with thorouggh investigation, you would find that there is much fact and evidence pointing to the existence of an Almighty God. Secondly, you must understand, that modern science has been taloired to the study of matter, energy and atom.

Question 9: For something to be found reasonable, one must be able to experience it, or logically prove it:
Answer 9: It is a unversal axiom that something can never come out of nothing, it is also scientifically proved, that life comes only from life. Logically, you must ask yourself if nonliving chemicals, randomly, without direction or purpose can ever metamorphose into a living organism, that is Logic.

Question 10: Why can't he understand that a lot of us actually need proof of his existence before we accept his existence?
Answer 10: There is saying that a man is his word, that is why the police making the arrest always make the statement "you have the right to remain silent or everything you say would be use against you in the court of law". If you want proof of His existence, go to His word and not to His critics.

Question 11: We are walking straight into the devil's arms all because God would rather rely on us going against everything we have done to expand our knowledge by choosing his faith with no proof, than actually help us by guiding us toward him with science, reason, logic and experience:
Answer 11:  Have you ever thoroughly investigated the basic laws of science? This are Laws established by the fathers of modern science. Let me give you some Basic Laws that established the foundations of modern Science.

You have ask nine (11) very good question, I tried my best in giving you sincere answers,you have also been sincere in your questions. Now I want to present you with some facts and Simple Truth of Science and I employ you to sincerely make the time for thorough reading and examination.

Law of Cause and Effect
Anything that has a beginning must have a cause. The effect cannot be greater than the cause. A person is a living, feeling and intelligent being and must have been cause by at least a living, feeling and intelligent being. Atoms cannot be the cause of a continuing series of greater and greater effects.

First Law of Thermodynamics
This law states that the matter and energy of the universe are constant. In other words, natural processes of chemistry and physics can neither create nor destroy matter or energy nor explain its own origin or properties such as gravity and electromagnetism, etc.

Second Law of Thermodynamics
This best established law of science declares that all conversions of energy from one form to another will decrease order and complexity in natural systems. This is opposite the unproven claims of macroevolution which teach that atoms increased in order by random, chance processes from particles to people.

The Law of Biogenesis
This law confirms the principle that the effect cannot be greater than the cause. Lifeless chemicals cannot be the cause of living organisms. Science has proved that “life comes only from life” by experiments by Louis Pasteur and others.

The Law of Probability
The probability of just one specific protein arising by random chance shuffling of an ocean full of amino acids is no better than one in 10520 and thousands are needed along with an encyclopedic amount of DNA. Consider that the total atoms in the universe is estimated to be only 1080. Only atheists believe in spontaneous generation in spite of those odds.

The Law of Mass Action
This law teaches that chemical reactions such as amino acids com-bining to form proteins are reversible. The energy that builds them up will also tear them down (just as the Second Law describes).

The Law of Inertia
This law declares that an object at rest or in motion will remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. What was the outside force that caused the so-called Big Bang explosion and give us something out nothing?

Law of Angular Momentum
This law declares that radial motion as produced by an exploding bomb or the so-called Big Bang cannot change into orbital or circular motion or condense into lumps in space without an outside force. What was the outside force that gave us condensing, spinning planets and revolving galaxies?

The Fossil Record
The fossils are supposedly the historical record of evolution. But nowhere does the fossils in the sedi-mentary layers of the earth’s crust show an undisputed transition of one kind of organism evolving into a more complex one. There should be literally millions of them if macroevolution were true.

Evolution Requires Billions of Years
There is no proof that billions of years of earth history ever existed. W.B. Provine, atheistic evolutionist, admits:
“Most  of  what  I  learned  of the field  in graduate (1964-68) school is either wrong or significantly changed.”
In reality, all age-dating methods, including those which point to a young earth, rely on unprovable assumptions. For instance, how is Time 0 determined in radiometric systems? About 90% of all of the familiar earth dating systems give ages far too young even to think of providing time for evolution to take place.

I assert that the Theory of Evolution is not only a mere assumption and speculation but I also need the theor of Evolution the "The Imaginative Theory" that is because all Evolution ever present was nothingg but assumptions.
This is what a notable evolutions once said,  George Wald, Nobel Prize winner, writes in Biochemical Science: An Inquiry Into Life (p.42):
George Wald writes:
“One has only to contemplate the magnitude of this task to concede that the spontaneous generation of a living organism is impossible. Yet here we are—as a result, I believe, of spontaneous generation.
“There are only two possibilities as to how life arose. One is spontaneous generation arising to evolution. The other is a supernatural, creative act of God. There is no third possibility. Spontaneous generation that life arose from nonliving matter was scientifically disproved 120 years ago by Louis Pasteur and others. That leaves us with only one possible conclusion that life arose as a supernatural act of God.”
“I will not accept that philosophically, because I do not want to believe in God. Therefore, I choose to believe in that which I know is scientifically impossible, spontaneous generation arising to evolution.”

Notable Evolutions admit to the fallacy of Evolution, however, they choose to believe in this imaginative theory of evolution because they just despised the idea that they must one day give an account to an Almighty God.
Many Evolution are Atheist who do not believe in the supernatural, hence the supernaturality of God, but you and I would agree, that science wasn't develop for the studying and observation of things that are beyond the physical realms.
Thus it must be noted, that both Creation and Evolution system of thought are beyond the natural because they cannot observed by recreating the same situation and condiction, hence logic must be employed to decide between the few evidences provided by science.
Evolutionist must accept the fact, that Evolutionism is a faith system, that is because any school of thought that is beyond natural and empirical proof is a metaphysical and every metaphysical system of thought demands Faith to believe and that is why we creationist believe in a mighty and powerful God.

Sir Isaac Newton, creationist, and considered the greatest scientist of all time wrote: “This most beautiful system of sun, planets, and comets could only proceed from the council and dominion of an intelligent and powerful being.”

Let me give you a brief history of the rise of critics and atheist (wrongly term rationalist) against the Christian Faith.

It has been noted that the last four to five centuries have been a time in history when anti-Christian philosophies and thought patterns have flourished to the full extent in Christian societies. Humanism, a philosophy in which man has been elevated to the position of God, is the philosophy of the present times. It is the foundation of almost all the present-day ways of thinking and education

Today very few people know that from about middle of the fourth century to the middle of the fourteenth century, the
Roman Catholic church (sects) indulged in a great struggle for ecclesiastical as well as temporal power. In this struggle they silenced, tortured, and killed millions of dissenting people. A revolt brewed in the hearts of people, specially of the thinkers in Europe.
Thus when the Reformation gave them the freedom coveted by all thinkers, they came out in torrents against the Church.
Since most bitter people did not understand the difference between the Roman Catholic church, the true church of Christ, and the Christ of the Bible, they opposed and rejected all of these things simultaneously. It was a case of throwing away the baby with the bath-water.
A word they say is enough for the wise, save your soul before you get to the sick bed hoping to have a change of making a choice.

This Article can be copy and reproduce in any format as long as the information of the author is preserve without objection. The Laws of Science present in this book was compiled by Dr. Jolly F. Griggs in the work tittled "Evolution 101" and the brief history was compiled by the Authors of the TGSAT text books, Dr. Johnson C. Philip.

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